Reflections on the Verse of the Pedestal
And the Final Verses of Sūrat al-Baqarah

Saturday, September 7  ·  3 – 6 pm ET

…a one-day online program via zoom
all sessions will be recorded
for convenient viewing later



El-Hajj Hisham Mahmoud studied theology, hadith, legal theory, jurisprudence, ethics, Qur’an recitation, and Arabic with scholars in Morocco, Mauritania, and Egypt. He taught for more than a decade at Yale, Princeton, and Harvard, then left the Academy to institute Lanturna, an educational initiative that intends to establish learning collectives to carry forward the legacies of our greatest luminaries. He continues to read with scholars and students in the United States and abroad.


Dr. Kiaresh Jahed is a former collegiate basketball player, personal trainer, biomedical engineering researcher, and currently a physician practicing Musculoskeletal and Interventional Radiology, having completed his medical training at the University of Louisville and Emory University. After converting to Islam in high school, he grew passionate about Islamic Studies and holistic interpretations of scripture, especially contextualized to modernity. He studied Arabic and Islamic studies in Egypt and Syria, and comparative religious studies in Turkey. Dr. Jahed has previously taught various levels of Arabic language with Dār al-Qāsim and is active with ICNA’s educational programs in teaching comparative religion and tafsīr.


Sidra Zia works for Brookhaven National Laboratory in nuclear nonproliferation. She holds an MS in Physics from Georgetown University and is currently pursuing an MA at Bayan Islamic Graduate School in Advanced Islamic Theology. In addition to her work at Princeton University’s Muslim Life Program, Sidra has helped to build several Muslim nonprofit organizations, including Razján and Lanturna.