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Salām ʿalaykum. We warmly welcome you to our online weekend Ramadan retreat and month-long program, FASTING | The Sustenance of Souls. Your presence among us is an invaluable blessing and we look forward to hosting you all from the comfort of your own homes. This page is meant as a reference for all the links and resources you will need to gain full access to our program. The details below are private and may not be shared with anyone who has not registered for the program. Please read carefully, as the answers to frequently asked questions are herein provided.
- Join our WhatsApp group via THIS LINK in order to receive important notifications before and during the program, including potential modifications to the program schedule. This will be our primary mode of communication as opposed to email.
- Our live sessions are available through Zoom via THIS LINK, and if prompted, the password is ramadan. Should you have trouble gaining access to our sessions, then please check your notifications and spam folders for an email from Zoom containing the link to our meetings.
- Sign up to participate in our communal khatm via THIS LINK.
- All sessions will be uploaded and accessible for later viewing on Lanturna’s YouTube channel via THIS LINK.
Our teachers remind us to expose ourselves to the gentle breezes of our Compassionate Lord تعرضوا لنفحات الرحمن. We recommend the following to glean the greatest benefit from this program:
- Layered Intentions – Pen your intentions in order to best orient yourself to receive the knowledge that will be conveyed in the book and in each session.
- Lustration – Attend each class in a state of wuḍūʾ (ritual purity), for seeking knowledge is worship that radiates brighter when the soul is bathed in light.
- Devotional Practices – Throughout the program, commit to praying immediately as the time for each prayer enters, perform all your voluntary prayers, and recite Sūrat Yā Sīn by morning and Sūrat al-Mulk by evening. Perform qiyām al-layl (night vigil) at least one of those nights. And recite Sūrat al-Kahf Friday eve. These were among the consistent practices the Prophet ﷺ.
- Ambience – To the extent possible, set an ambience that befits hosting the greatest story ever told. You are encouraged to share your pictures to encourage others to do the same using the hashtag mentioned above.
- Personal Connection – Let us always remember that we are not merely scholastizing the subject at hand, rather, we are seeking transformation inwardly in our states and outwardly in our practice for the contentment of our Lord, Who bestows His gifts upon whomsoever He pleases without measure.
May Allah bless our intentions and grant us that intimacy with His Messenger ﷺ that will bring us life, love, and light in this world, and his companionship in the next. And may He bless and sanctify our beloved Prophet and his family and companions.
February 21 – 23
All sessions are according to Eastern Time and will be uploaded to a private YouTube playlist for convenient viewing. Be sure to refresh this tab throughout the retreat to be abreast of possible minor adjustments to the schedule.
FRIDAY, 2.21 | |
2000 – 2015 | Oriententions |
2015 – 2115 | Session I – Fasting, the divine prescription |
2115 – 2130 | Sūrat al-Mulk with Qārī Muhammad |
SATURDAY, 2.22 | |
0915 – 0930 | Sūrat Yā Sīn with Qārī Muhammad |
0930 – 0945 | Ḍuḥā prayer |
0945 – 1100 | Personal recitation for communal khatm |
1100 – 1215 | Session II – Abstinence of the stomach |
1215 – 1400 | Ẓuhr & lunch |
1400 – 1515 | Session III – Abstinence of the limbs |
1515 – 1600 | ʿAṣr & break |
1600 – 1715 | Session IV – Abstinence of the heart |
1715 – 1730 | Spring camp announcement |
1730 – 1900 | Maghrib & dinner |
1900 – 1930 | Q & A and Sūrat al-Mulk with Qārī Muhammad |
1930 – 2000 | Circle of light |
SUNDAY, 2.23 | |
0915 – 0930 | Sūrat Yā Sīn with Qārī Muhammad |
0930 – 0945 | Ḍuḥā prayer |
0945 – 1200 | Personal recitation for communal khatm |
1200 – 1330 | Session V – The month of the Qur’an |
1330 – 1345 | RINGS OF LIGHT | Duʿāʾ al-khatm |
(open to the public)
All sessions are according to Eastern Time and will be uploaded to our YouTube channel for convenient viewing.
Saturday Circle via Zoom |
3.8 | 1200 – 1300 | Compassion – Dr. Mariam Sheibani |
3.15 | 1200 – 1300 | Forgiveness – Ustādhah Hosai Mojaddidi |
3.22 | 1200 – 1300 | Release – Dr. Kiarash Jahed |
Special Sessions via Zoom | |
3.17 | 2200 – 2330 | DIAMOND AMONG PEARLS | Laylat al-Qadr El-Hajj Hisham Mahmoud |
3.29 | 1200 – 1300 | RINGS OF LIGHT | Duʿāʾ al‑Khatm |
Allah says يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ O faithful! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for your predecessors, that you may protect yourselves (al-Baqarah 2:183). Fasting is one of five pillars upon which this faith of ours is established. It is the institutionalization of abstinence and the sustenance of souls. But feasting after fasting breaks the spiritual ritual of hunger and thirst and leaves the soul starving for meaning.
Ramadan is nigh upon us, and these are the Days of Allah that return to us by His grace year after year, that we may renew our covenant with our Lord and His Emissary ﷺ. Lanturna invites you to join us this year for a weekend retreat in preparation for Ramadan, coupled with our Saturday Circle throughout the month covering the themes of Ramadan: compassion, forgiveness, and release, and other special sessions.