بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على رسوله الكريم

By the Name of Allah, Compassionate in Essence, Compassionate with All
And May Allah Bless and Sanctify His Noble Messenger

We are honored to receive your request for a scholarship, and blessed to have your participation in our program. Lanturna is committed to keeping our programs accessible and affordable. Though we have limited scholarships, all members of our community bring their angels with them and are a source of great blessing to us. Kindly complete every field of the application form and please indicate how much of the registration you are able to afford and we will work to raise the rest in shāʾ Allah.


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We are blessed to be able to provide scholarships to our students. The Prophet never received a gift except that he exchanged it. If you are able to replenish any portion of this gift to our scholarship fund in monthly or one-time contributions, please do so by clicking below. By giving forward, you are investing in the education of another student, and may Allah count that as a perpetual charity in your Book of Deeds, āmīn.