1050 |
arrival at Medina airport
1300 – 1330 |
shuttles leave airport and arrive at the Frontel Al Harithia Hotel |
1400 – 1500 |
welcome and orientation session at hotel (location tbd) |
1515 – 1600 |
ʿaṣr & sūrat al-wāqiʿah |
1600 |
unpack and rest
1715 – 1730 |
required: congregate in hotel lobby to pray maghrib together at a designated place (our first walking tour will begin promptly after maghrib from within the masjid perimiter)
1745 – 1800 |
1800 – 1900 |
first walking tour of the Prophet’s masjid ﷺ commencing on the eastern side and culminating with greeting the Prophet ﷺ on the south side |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk |
0515 – 0530 |
congregate in lobby at 0530 to pray fajr together
0545 – 0630 |
fajr & sūrat yā sīn |
0645 – 0730 |
prepare for caravan excursion
0730 – 0745 |
ḍuḥā in hotel room |
0730 – 1000 |
breakfast |
1015 |
caravan leaves hotel (try to maintain wuḍūʾ throughout the day) |
1045 – 1230 |
ẓuhr at masjid qubāʾ, the well of arīs, bustān al-mustaẓall & the well of ʿ idhq |
1300 – 1430 |
caravan: dār al-madīnah exhibit (bring a few hundred dollars or riyal equivalent for coveted relics from gift shop) |
1445 – 1545 |
masjid al-qiblataynʿaṣr & sūrat al-wāqiʿah |
1600 – 1645 |
masjid al-jumuʿah |
1645 – 1700 |
orchard of Salmān al-Fārisī رضي الله عنه (bring riyals to purchase dates)
1700 |
arrive at hotel |
1715 – 1730 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
1730 – 1800 |
maghrib |
1845 – 1900 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk |
0515 – 0530 |
congregate in lobby at 0530 to pray together as close as possible to al-baqīʿ cemetery
0545 – 0630 |
fajr & sūrat yā sīn |
0630 – 0715 |
men’s visit to al-baqīʿ cemetery |
0645 – 0730 |
prepare for caravan excursion
0730 – 0745 |
ḍuḥā in hotel room |
0800 – 0930 |
breakfast |
1000 – 1100 |
dār al-madīnah exhibit (bring a few hundred dollars or riyal equivalent for coveted relics from gift shop) |
1100 |
women’s caravan leaves exhibit, men’s caravan leaves hotel (try to maintain wuḍūʾ throughout the day and bring dhikr beads) |
1130 – 1230 |
battleground of uḥud |
1230 – 1245 |
ẓuhr at masjid uḥud |
1300 |
caravan embarks for next milestone |
1330 – 1430 |
site of the siege at khandaq |
1445 |
caravan embarks for next milestone |
1500 – 1600 |
ʿaṣr & sūrat al-wāqiʿah at masjid Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī رضي الله عنه
1600 |
return to hotel |
1715 – 1730 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
1745 – 1800 |
maghrib |
1845 – 1900 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ |
2000 – 2100 |
circle of light reflection session at hotel (location tbd) & sūrat al-mulk |
0515 – 0530 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
0545 – 0630 |
fajr & sūrat yā sīn |
0730 – 0745 |
ḍuḥā in hotel room |
0800 – 0930 |
breakfast |
0945 – 1000 |
required: congregate in lobby for second tour of the Prophet’s masjid ﷺ |
1000 – 1200 |
second walking tour of the Prophet’s masjid ﷺ commencing on the northwestern side and culminating with greeting the Prophet ﷺ on the south side |
1230 – 1245 |
ẓuhr |
1300 – 1430 |
lunch; pack light snacks and bring rubbish bag for tomorrow’s excursion |
1500 – 1515 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
1515 – 1545 |
1600 – 1730 |
mandatory ʿumrah preparation session & sūrat al-wāqiʿah |
1745 – 1800 |
maghrib |
1800 – 1830 |
bid farewell to the Prophet ﷺ and the entombed in al-baqīʿ cemetery |
1845 – 1900 |
ṣalawãt section from “A Guide for the Guests of God“ |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk |
1930 – 2000 |
farewell visit to the Prophet ﷺ |
2030 – 2100 |
pack everything except iḥrām garb; luggage will be picked up outside your door at 0615 tomorrow |
2130 |
retire early because our caravan embarks tomorrow at 0800 |
0515 – 0530 |
don iḥram garb and congregate in lobby to pray together | designated area nearest to hotel |
0545 – 0600 |
fajr |
0615 |
leave luggage outside your door |
0615 – 0700 |
breakfast |
0715 – 0730 |
enter iḥrām at hotel masjid by praying two rakʿah, then pronounce: لبيك اللهم بعمرة labbayka l-lāhumma bi ʿumrah (I respond to You, Allah, with ʿumrah) |
0800 |
caravan leaves hotel (sūrat yā sīn en route) |
0900 – 0915 |
well of al-rawḥah |
1045 – 1130 |
masjid al-ʿarīsh & battleground of badr |
1300 – 1400 |
ẓuhr/ʿaṣr at masjid juḥfah & lunch on bus (sūrat al-wāqiʿah en route) |
1600 – 1630 |
arrive at Hilton Suites Hotel and sandwiches from cafe in hotel lobby |
1630 – 1700 |
settle in and refresh (with nothing scented) |
1700 – 1730 |
get into ʿumrah formations in hotel lobby |
1745 – 1800 |
maghrib |
1800 – 1930 |
ʿumrah (ṭawāf segment)
1830 – 1900 |
maqām ibrāhīm & zamzam |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk |
1900 – 2030 |
ʿumrah (saʿy segment) |
2030 – 2115 |
birthplace of the Prophet ﷺ, home of the Prophet ﷺ and Khadījah رضي الله عنها, and home of al-Arqam رضي الله عنه |
2130 – 2230 |
cut hair & ghusl and bask in the forgiveness of your Lord |
0515 – 0530 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
0545 – 0630 |
fajr & sūrat yā sīn |
0730 – 0745 |
ḍuḥā in hotel room |
0800 – 1000 |
breakfast |
1015 – 1115 |
surat al-kahf on zoom via this link |
1230 – 1245 |
jumuʿah prayer at nearest shaded area to hotel |
1315 |
caravan excursion embarks |
1345 – 1430 |
jabal al-nūr |
1500 – 1600 |
ʿaṣr at masjid al-bayʿah |
1600 – 1615 |
sūrat al-wāqiʿah en route |
1615 – 1700 |
ghār thawr |
1730 |
arrival at hotel |
1745 – 1800 |
maghrib |
1800 – 1900 |
khatm reading |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk |
0515 – 0530 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
0545 – 0630 |
fajr & sūrat yā sīn |
0730 – 0745 |
ḍuḥā in hotel room |
0800 – 0900 |
breakfast |
0930 |
caravan embarks for al-Ṭāʾif |
1045 – 1145 |
masjid al-kūʿ and the garden of ʿAddās رضي الله عنه |
1200 – 1245 |
ẓuhr at masjid ʿAbd Allah b. ʿAbbās رضي الله عنه |
1300 – 1400 |
caravan embarks for Mecca |
1400 – 1430 |
jabal ʿarafah |
1500 |
caravan arrives at hotel |
1515 – 1600 |
ʿaṣr & sūrat al-wāqiʿah |
1745 – 1800 |
maghrib |
1800 – 1900 |
khatm reading |
1900 – 1930 |
ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk |
2100 |
pack bags; luggage will be picked up outside your door at 0800 tomorrow
0515 – 0530 |
congregate in lobby to pray together |
0545 – 0630 |
fajr & sūrat yā sīn |
0630 – 0900 |
optional hike of jabal nūr (land package attendees will need to bring luggage down to the bus at 1115) |
0730 – 0745 |
ḍuḥā in hotel room/or in ghār ḥirāʾ |
0800 |
leave luggage outside your door |
0800 – 1000 |
breakfast |
1000 – 1100 |
shower and prepare to checkout by 1100 |
1115 – 1215 |
circle of light and khatm prayer in hotel (location tbd)
1230 – 1245 |
ẓuhr & ʿaṣr at designated point nearest to the hotel
1300 |
caravan embarks for Jeddah airport
1315 – 1330 |
tomb of Lady Khadījah and companions رضي الله عنهم |
1400 – 1430 |
tomb of Lady Maymūnah رضي الله عنها (sūrat al-wāqiʿah en route)
1500 – 1600 |
masjid ṣulḥ al-ḥudaybiyyah (surat al-wāqiʿah en route) |
1700 |
arrival at Jeddah airport |
1900 – 1930 |
maghrib/ʿishāʾ & sūrat al-mulk
0020 |
flight departs |